Cincinnati, OH
Current Shelter Status:
We are closed to walk-in visitors but do allow visitors and adoptions by appointment only.
If you are expecting an email from us, please check your SPAM folder!
We are not accepting any new cats/kittens at this time.
Please contact if you need to return a cat previously adopted from this shelter.
Meet Our Sponsorship Cats
Interested in sponsoring a cat at The Scratching Post?
Check out the available Legacy Cats below.
Sponsorships are $25 per month per cat, $100 for 6 months per cat, or $200 a year per cat. Because it can cost over $2,000 per year to support a healthy cat, we are allowing up to 10 sponsors per cat.
Benefits of having a sponsor cat include:
- personalized birthday cards (if birth month/day is provided)
- Valentine's Day card
- Christmas/winter holiday card
- a few emails a year from your sponsored cat(s)
updating you on the happenings at the shelter
If interested, please click here to be directed to our payment site. Please make sure to include the name of the cat(s) you would like to sponsor and your birth day/month. (The kitties just LOVE to send you a birthday card!). If you have any questions, please email Thank you!

DOB: 10/10/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
One of our feral boys, his idea of a favorite day is when no one talks to him.

DOB: 2/25/2023
Current Sponsors: 0
Shy little Angelina is the last of her litter. She’s unsure of most people but enjoys the company of the other kitties.
DOB: 9/26/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Alicia is our beautiful diva who loves to climb & explore. Her only bad habit is she doesn't always potty in her litter box. According to our vet, this is a behavior issue rather than a medical one.

DOB: 8/10/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
This handsome man is quite feral but loves to snuggle up with Esmerelda in their cat tree.

DOB: 2/26/2019
Current Sponsors: 2
One of our spicy ladies who loves to hang out with Foxy.

DOB: 10/10/2007
Current Sponsors: 2
Bella is a very sweet senior lady who is a bit on the shy side. Unfortunately, she was abandoned at 16 years old due to poor litter box habits.

DOB: 7/01/2023
Current Sponsors: 1
Ben is a very spicy guy who came to us from an unsafe condition. So far He will only tolerate being handled by one person, but we are hoping he improves with time and patience.

DOB: 8/15/2017
Current Sponsors: 1
Just the sweetest boy with the prettiest, biggest eyes. He has tritrichomonas but it doesn't slow him down.

Black Pepper
DOB: 7/1/2012
Current Sponsors: 1
Black Pepper is a senior feral girl who came to us after she was no longer safe living in her colony due to threats from a home owner’s association. She’s bonded to Longhaired Socks

DOB: 7/14/2009
Current Sponsors: 1
A shy guy with a wonky ear, CB loves to hang out on the cat tree by the window. He is on medication for his high blood pressure.

DOB: 8/20/2022
Current Sponsors: 2
Celestial came to us as a stray nursing her newborn kittens. Celestial is timid and needs some time before she feels comfortable with you.

DOB: 6/16/2017
Current Sponsors: 1
This black and white domestic shorthair boy has chronic herpes but that doesn't stop him from being the first one to greet you when you enter his room.

DOB: 3/10/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Coco is one of our lobby greeters. He came to us when his family could no longer care for him. He had a stubborn wound for over a year that is finally healed. He’s best buds with Sneakers and Socks.

DOB: 4/19/2017
Current Sponsors: 1
This sweet bobtail gal is semi-feral, but she loves to watch humans from a distance.

DOB: 9/16/2016
Current Sponsors: 1
Crowley is a sweetheart who came to us in horrible condition. He's somewhat shy and has an unusual hernia, which an internist felt doesn't need surgical intervention.

DOB: 2/15/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Daisy originally came to the shelter as a stray. She is our newest hall monitor because she didn't enjoy den life. She's sweet with people but can be picky about her cat friends. She'll never turn down a treat.

DOB: 3/23/2022
Current Sponsors: 1
Dandelion came to the shelter with his mom & siblings as strays. His whole family has been adopted but because he doesn't like to be touched, he's not been chosen. He is bonded to his best friend named Eleven.

DOB: 4/22/2015
Current Sponsors: 2
Denny is a handsome senior who was surrendered to us when his owner passed away. He is bonded to Pebbles and they spend many hours cuddled together.

DOB: 2/18/2012
Current Sponsors: 2
Duncan has severe arthritis for which he gets a monthly injection. He enjoys head scratches once he gets to know you.

DOB: 5/5/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
Named after Eartha Kitt, this spicy lady came to us as a new momma. The kittens have since grown up and Eartha still wants nothing to do with humans.

Easter Egg
DOB: 8/2/2023
Current Sponsors: 0
Easter Egg is a pretty little girl who is rather shy. She loves other cats, especially her brother Eggs Benedict and sister Scrambled Eggs.

DOB: 5/15/2014
Current Sponsors: 2
Brother to Gus and Sylvia, Echo is a feral baby that lives with his siblings.

DOB: 6/1/2023
Current Sponsors: 4
Beautiful Eclipse came to us as an emaciated stray covered in bite wounds. She's all healed and is at an ideal weight. Eclipse is deaf and is a little wary of people. We're working to help her become more comfortable around humans.

Eggs Benedict
DOB: 8/2/2023
Current Sponsors: 0
Eggs Benedict is a shy boy who becomes braver as time goes on. Although unsure of people, he adores other cats.

DOB: 4/22/2022
Current Sponsors: 1
Eleven came to the shelter as part of a litter who has all been adopted. She's very timid and rarely allows anyone to pet her. She's bonded to her best friend Dandelion

DOB: 9/11/2011
Current Sponsors: 1
A beautiful black shorthaired cat, she doesn't care for humans at all but loves to snuggle with Barney and Millie.

DOB: 5/20/2022
Current Sponsors: 1
Felicity came to us as an underweight stray with a prolapsed rectum. After 3 surgeries, a prescription diet and daily laxative she's friendly, happy and thriving.

DOB: 6/21/2014
Current Sponsors: 2
Foxy is beautiful but she doesn't love pets. Maybe you can tell by her judgemental look that she is quite feral.

DOB: 2/11/2015
Current Sponsors: 1
She sure is cute but she is very shy. Frances wants her only interaction with humans to be when she's given food!
DOB: 1/17/2010
Current Sponsors: 1
This handsome senior boy is friendly and is on a special prescription diet. He is bonded to Yakira.

DOB: 3/24/2019
Current Sponsors: 2
This very timid little gal loves to hang out with her sister, Star, they are never far apart.

DOB: 1/12/2022
Current Sponsors: 0
Frogger came to us as an incredibly ill stray who needed hospitalization and months of medication. Today she is healthy and happy. Although she's not too keen on people we're hoping she'll continue to make progress.

DOB: 5/11/2022
Current Sponsors: 0
Georgie came to us when his owner’s were evicted. He’s very shy and prefers other cats to people. He was adopted and returned for pottying outside the litter box.

DOB: 11/24/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
This handsome black and white boy was born with a bobbed tail. Gibbs has chronic herpes so he often has a runny nose.

DOB: 4/21/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
Giddy came to the shelter when her owner passed away. She's incredibly shy and prefers cats to people.

DOB: 3/21/2021
Current Sponsors: 2
This Siamese mix is an active, independent lady who hangs out in the halls of the shelter and has an attitude that is all her own!

DOB: 5/15/2014
Current Sponsors: 3
A shelter fan favorite, Gus is more bark than bite but we still very much classify him as a feral cat, if that's not obvious from the above photo.

DOB: 3/24/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
Sweet Hannah hasn't had the easiest life. Due to a spinal injury, she suffers from incontinence.

DOB: 5/12/2016
Current Sponsors: 1
Harley is cute. So cute in fact that she thinks it's okay to urinate wherever she pleases!

DOB: 12/20/2017
Current Sponsors: 2
This shy boy came to us when his owner passed away. He is still not trusting of people just yet but he does enjoy the company of other cats.

DOB: 3/15/2022
Current Sponsors: 2
Homer came to us from another shelter where he was incredibly stressed. He’s well adjusted here and couldn’t be any sweeter.

DOB: 6/15/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Isis is a goddess and she knows it - she likes to bite and she's not great with other cats. She's prissy enough to urinate wherever she pleases.

DOB: 6/21/2018
Current Sponsors: 4
Jackie is a very shy girl who prefers the company of other cats to people. She was surrendered when her owner passed away.

DOB: 8/12/2013
Current Sponsors: 1
A shy guy often found hanging out on the highest shelf he can find. Jeckle will accept ear scratches if he deems you worthy.

DOB: 4/13/2014
Current Sponsors: 2
Jeeves is a feral fellow who loves to hang out on his cat tree.

DOB: 7/01/2023
Current Sponsors: 1
Jerry is a very shy boy who came to us from a dangerous situation. He is not comfortable with being petted just yet, but we're hopeful with time, he will allow us to show him affection.

Current Sponsors: 1
This sassy female tabby can be pretty aggressive. She is also epileptic and incontinent.

DOB: 4/11/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
This very shy gal came to us as a new mama. Her babies have been adopted but Mama June prefers to hang out in the bottom of the cat tree.

DOB: 3/31/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
A gorgeous, sassy, calico lady with tritrichomonas.

DOB: 3/10/2021
Current Sponsors: 2
This sweetheart loves affection and also likes to pee wherever she chooses.

Longhaired Socks
DOB: 7/1/2012
Current Sponsors: 1
Longhaired Socks came to us after he was no longer safe due to threats from a home owner’s association. He’s semi feral and bonded to Black Pepper.

DOB: 2/20/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
Loxie came to the shelter because she was urinating inappropriately. This beautiful girl is as sweet as can be and enjoys pets and being brushed.

DOB: 6/23/2015
Current Sponsors: 1
Lucky came to the shelter after his owner passed away. He is an incredibly friendly boy but suffers from chronic sinusitis, resulting in frequent snot left behind. We don't mind cleaning up after this special boy or administering the necessary antibiotics when needed.

DOB: 6/18/2019
Current Sponsors: 3
This handsome man loves his sponsors! He has Manx syndrome which unfortunately makes him incontinent.

DOB: 5/15/2017
Current Sponsors: 3
Martha thinks she's the CEO of the shelter. She doesn't really like other cats and likes to mark her territory. She has a heart murmur and hangs out in the laundry room where she enjoys naps on the warm laundry.

DOB: 12/11/2021
Current Sponsors: 1
Matilda and her brother, Milton, are bonded siblings who came to the shelter as strays. They are still very nervous with people and prefer the company of one another over anything else.

DOB: 4/15/2017
Current Sponsors: 2
Midnight has sinus issues, so you can usually hear Mr. SnotsMcGee before you can see him. He's enjoying the sweet life in Den 12.5 where he has access to a catio.

DOB: 1/20/2022
Current Sponsors: 0
Milkshake is very difficult to photograph. He has cerebellar hypoplasia making him wobbly. He loves people but isn’t fond of other cats.

DOB: 12/11/2021
Current Sponsors: 1
This handsome, slightly cross-eyed boy is bonded with his sister, Matilda, who came to the shelter as strays. They are still very nervous with people and prefer the company of one another over anything else.
DOB: 3/13/2013
Current Sponsors: 1
This sweet senior fellow is on a special prescription diet due to a sensitive tummy.

DOB: 4/10/2022
Current Sponsors: 1
Moon came to us from another shelter underweight, shy, and had a balding coat. She has now come out of her shell and is on a prescription diet to help her absorb the proper nutrients and doesn't upset her allergies.

DOB: 10/6/2018
Current Sponsors: 1
Narcissa is quite feral but she sure does have the most amazing green eyes!

Current Sponsors: 1
Olivia is a very shy lady who likes to watch the happenings in her Den from a distance.

DOB: 7/1/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Oreo is a shy boy who came to us after he was no longer safe living in his colony due to threats from a home owner's association. Oreo seems to be slowly warming up to us.

DOB: 8/18/2016
Current Sponsors: 2
Pebbles is always ready for her close-up as long as you have your zoom lens on as she is feral.
DOB: 4/13/2014
Current Sponsors: 2
This large eyed super shy gal lives with the other feral cats in 12.5. She can often be found curled up behind her protector, Gus.

DOB: 3/28/2009
Current Sponsors: 5
Petey's owner passed away. His family was unable to find him a home in 7 months so they contacted their veterinarian's office to have him euthanized. The vet's office contacted us and wanted to know if we could help place this 15 year old boy. Petey is shy but seems to enjoy the company of other cats

DOB: 2/8/2020
Current Sponsors: 1
Piper is a very sweet girl who was surrendered for urinating outside her litter box.
DOB: 11/20/2020
Current Sponsors: 2
Pippa arrived partially blind and with giardia. She's now cleared from giardia and has been treated for toxoplasmosis. She has gained weight, and is a happy girl.

DOB: 3/11/2015
Current Sponsors: 2
This semi-feral sweet gal is a favorite in the sponsorship program!

DOB: 4/20/2022
Current Sponsors: 1
RJ is a very independent lady who doesn't always play well with others so she resides in Den 12.5 where the other cats are working hard to teach her some manners.

DOB: 4/1/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
This handsome fellow was surrendered to us due to GI issues. He's now on a prescription diet and no longer vomits or has litterbox issues.

DOB: 11/15/2012
Current Sponsors: 2
Sneakers came to us when a long time volunteer passed away. This handsome fella is a diabetic kitty and gets glucose checks and insulin shots twice daily to control the diabetes.

DOB: 4/3/2023
Current Sponsors: 1
Socks is a handsome boy who came to us as a stray. He’s well behaved, very sweet and does well with other cats.

Stagger Lee
DOB: 9/24/2021
Current Sponsors: 2
Stagger came to the shelter as a stray with a fractured pelvis. He's now completely healed and spends his days patrolling the halls.

DOB: 3/24/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
This adorable female torti is semi-feral and loves to be near her sister, Freya.

DOB: 12/19/2019
Current Sponsors: 2
This special gal came to us in rough shape. She is blind and not too friendly. She is on several medications and we hope to get this little baby on the road to recovery.

DOB: 10/29/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
Yes, this is Suzanne! This semi-feral gal has the whitest whiskers and the darkest coat!

DOB: 1/10/22
Current Sponsors: 1
Suzie was surrendered with her three kittens when her elderly caretaker could no longer care for her. Although she is very shy with people, she loves other cats and watching the birds outside.

DOB: 5/15/2014
Current Sponsors: 2
This pretty tabby enjoys hanging out with the other feral cats, including her brothers Gus and Echo in den 12.5.

DOB: 2/1/2023
Current Sponsors: 1
This beautiful tortoiseshell is a very shy lady who we hope will one day be as sweet as her name.

DOB: 5/13/2017
Current Sponsors: 1
Super shy Taffy has tritrichomonas. This lady has also had all of her teeth removed due to a medical condition but that doesn't stop her from chowing down at dinner time!

Tiny (AKA TP)
DOB: 11/9/2017
Current Sponsors: 1
Well, unfortunately for this sweet boy he has tritrichomonas which also helped grant him the nickname of TP!

DOB: 5/2/2011
Current Sponsors: 1
An adorable man with a cute white diamond on his chest, he is semi-feral.

DOB: 1/16/2012
Current Sponsors: 1
Yakira is a lovely senior calico who came to us with Frank, her buddy.

DOB: 8/9/2010
Current Sponsors: 1
Zara is a short-haired black cat with the cutest most round face. She suffered from hyperthyroidism but had the radiation treatments to correct it. She is quite feral.

DOB: 10/1/2019
Current Sponsors: 1
This adorable gal with the the cute little round face is semi-feral but is slowly allowing the occasional pets.